They Did It In England, and Now They’re Trying to Do It in New York
Home to 500,000 Chassidim
Its Only a Matter of Time
Committee (narrowly) Votes Down Resolution To Enforce Education Standards at Monsey Yeshivas
Rockland lawmakers have narrowly voted down a resolution that would have pushed for a mechanism to enforce state educational standards at private schools.
[. . .] “This is not to infringe on anybody’s religious right, because again we do have private schools here such as Green Meadow Rockland Country School,” says Legislator Laurie Santulli, who sponsored the bill. “The same idea is to see that they are receiving a rigorous education. Religion is not a factor in this.” YWN
In England they also only wanted a comprehensive/rigorous education for all school attendees: and that meant ‘diversity indoctrination,’ ‘gender equality,’ et al. How soon would that same curriculum be instituted in New York’s schools?
See Also:
A Few Interesting Messages: Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids
'There is no future for Orthodox Jews in the UK’. Hasidic leader in London says government demands that Jewish schools teach about gay marriage will force Orthodox Jews to leave Britain.
Note: Maybe if the same curriculum of England is instituted in New York before it spreads to other states, we might :-) see a huge aliyah from Boro Park??
Note: Maybe if the same curriculum of England is instituted in New York before it spreads to other states, we might :-) see a huge aliyah from Boro Park??
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