الخميس، 31 مايو 2018

Parashat Be’ha’alotcha: Everything in This World has a Substitute

Parashat Be’ha’alotcha
Rabbi Nachman Kahana
Everything in This World has a Substitute

Eight times in his commentary on Chumash, Rashi asks, “lama nisma’cha” (“why did the Torah choose this particular sequence of verses?”). Meaning: since the episodes of the Torah do not always appear in their chronically historical sequence, nor is there always a logical human explanation for mitzva B to follow mitzva A, it is important to investigate the sequence of the Torah text.

Even though this question of lama nismacha could be posed almost everywhere in the Torah, Rashi does so in only eight places. The conclusion is that the lessons to be learned from the sequence of these eight places are of a special nature. One of these places is the link between the final episode of our parasha, Be’ha’alotcha, where Miriam questions Moshe’s decision to leave the family unit and next week’s parasha, Sh’lach which opens with the sin of the Meraglim (the scouts) who spoke disparagingly of Eretz Yisrael.

Rashi explains the sequence on the background of the shared sin of lashon hara in both episodes — Miriam speaks inappropriately against her brother, as do the Meraglim against Eretz Yisrael.

Rashi is certainly correct in pointing out what is common between Miriam and the spies, but what remains difficult is the unusual harshness with which Hashem treated these sinners: Miriam was smitten with tzara’at, and the Meraglim died a horrendous death.

I suggest:
Parashat Be’ha’alotcha is replete with many diverse themes:

  • The menorah, hewn out of a solid block of gold
  • Consecration of the Le’vi’im
  • Pesach Sheni on the 14th of Iyar
  • The clouds over the Israelite camp
  • The silver bugles (chatzotzrot)
  • The manna
  • Choosing 70 members for the Sanhedrin (Moshe was the 71st)

At first glance, it is difficult to find a reason for these diverse subjects to appear in the same Parasha. However, they indeed share a common denominator — each one is either a substitute for something, or can be substituted by something else:

  • The golden menorah, which was fashioned from one solid block of gold, may be substituted by any other metal, which may be welded or pieced together in any fashion and need not be made from a solid block of that metal.
  • The Le’vi’im are substitutes for the first born (bechorot), who forfeited their privilege to perform the sacrificial duties.
  • Pesach Sheni on the 14th of Iyar is a second opportunity for anyone who was halachically unable to bring a korban Pesach on the 14th of Nissan.
  • The clouds, which protected and guided the camp, changed from a cloud during the daylight hours to a cloud of fire during the hours of darkness.
  • The original silver chatzotzrot were set aside until future times and replaced with a second set.
  • The manna would change in taste according to the preference of the eater.
  • A total of 72 names were selected (6 from every tribe), from whom only 70 were to be chosen by a random lottery, making each one a potential substitute for another.

The parasha concludes with the Miriam episode, followed by next week’s parasha of the scouts — both receiving severe heavenly punishments.

The Torah is teaching us that everything in the world — the menorah, the firstborn, etc. — has a substitute (the cemetery is filled with people the world cannot exist without). Everything, that is, except for two things which are above any possibility of substitution – the Torah and Eretz Yisrael. Moshe is the personification of Torah in this world. To speak disparagingly of Moshe, as Miriam did, is to defile the Torah. Miriam knew that her brother was the wisest and holiest of men, but in her eyes, Moshe was still a man prone to mistakes as everyone else. But she was mistaken. Moshe was outwardly a “man,” but inwardly he was now different than anyone else in the world. Miriam was not cautious in her criticism, and for this she was harshly punished.

To speak disparagingly of Eretz Yisrael in any way is a Chilul Hashem — and for this the Meraglim were so harshly punished, because they made the same mistake as Miriam. They saw Eretz Yisrael as one views any other place on earth — water, hills, vegetation — a beautiful land, but no different than most places on earth. They saw the exterior of the land; but they did not comprehend that just as Moshe was “different” from any person who ever lived, so too is Eretz Yisrael different than any place on this planet — and for this they were punished. [emphasis mine]

Just as Christianity, Islam and Buddhism can never replace the Torah and Judaism, so too no place on this planet or in the created universe can replace the sanctity of Eretz Yisrael.

The towns of Satmar, Belz, Lubavitch and Lakewood can never attain the kedusha of the most remote piece of desert in Eretz Yisrael.

All the yeshivot and synagogues in the USA put together do not contain the kedusha of a football field in Eretz Yisrael.

If I live a thousand years, I will never understand how a religious Jew can willingly choose to remain outside the Holy Land when the gates to Eretz Yisrael are open wide and our mother Rachel calls out to her children to return home (Yirmiyahu chapter 31).

But perhaps the answer lies in the following story:
A man was climbing a high mountain, when night fell and the pouring rain created zero visibility. He slipped and began falling to certain death. Suddenly he put out his hand and grabbed a branch jutting out of the mountain side and found himself suspended between heaven and earth.
He began to pray. A thunderous voice emerged from nowhere. “Do you believe in Me?” the voice asked. The poor fellow cried out, “With all my heart and soul, I believe in You.”
“Do you believe I can save you?” HaShem asked. “I believe with every sinew in my body that You can save me.”
“In that case,” thundered the voice, “LET GO!”
The following morning, they found the man hanging on to the branch and dead of hypothermia, when between him and solid ground was a distance of 10 centimeters.
The lesson to be gleaned from this story:

some people can’t LET GO, 
even when HaShem comes to save their physical and spiritual lives.

Shabbat Shalom,
Nachman Kahana
Copyright © 5778/2018 Nachman Kahana

Turkeys and Chicks

Last week we got our shipment of baby chicks.  We ordered them a couple of months ago and chose a shipment date.  The chicks were shipped through USPS.  I called our local post office the week before to give them a heads up and leave phone numbers.  The post office called us the morning the chicks arrived so we could go straight to pick them up.  Baby chicks are able to survive without food or water for about three days.  It is always best to get them both as soon as possible though.

We ordered mille fleur (W's choice) and Polish (my choice).  The Polish is front and center in the second picture with the cute little puff on top of her head.

Our baby turkeys are growing and doing very well.  They love the roost and late in the evening all six bunch of close together.  It is still too early to tell the boys from the girls. 

How Do I Kindle my Soul so That it Burns Brightly and Strongly Toward God?

Parshas Behaaloscha
by Rabbi Pinchas Winston

Speak to Aharon and tell him: “When you light the lamps, the seven lamps must cast their light toward the face of the Menorah.” 
(Bamidbar 8:2)

THE LAST PART of the previous parsha was consumed with the gifts presented by the leaders of each tribe as part of the inauguration ceremony of the Mishkan. As explained in the past, the weight of the gifts, 130 shekels, had great significance. They are connected to the “damaged” souls Adam HaRishon “created” during his 130 years of teshuvah, and which eventually reincarnated into the Erev Rav. It was the Erev Rav who made the golden calf for which the Mishkan was a “tikun.”
We have also spoken in the past about how the Torah presents each prince’s gift as if it is unique, when in fact it was an exact replica of the first one. It is one of the easier sections for a “Ba’al Koreh” to read on Shabbos, because the duplication of paragraphs results in a certain rhythm when read. 
If someone were to present that section of the Torah to an audience, they would probably just say, “And all of the leaders of the tribes brought the same thing: one silver bowl weighing 130 [shekels], one silver sprinkling basin [weighing] 70 shekels, etc.” They might mention the individual names of the princes, because that did vary from gift to gift. 
So, why did the Torah do the opposite, and “drag” us through all the details? To make sure the Torah had a certain amount of words and letters? They could have been made up elsewhere, and in a more interesting way.
Rather, the Torah is making a very IMPORTANT but subtle point. It is sharing with us HEAVEN’S perspective on our service of God. It is reminding us of how personalized service of God does not have to mean using your OWN or different words each time, but infusing the SAME words or act with a PERSONAL perspective. 
Every prince was different. They had different souls, and that automatically varied their experiences of life. They came from different families, had different upbringings. They married women who were different from each other for the same reason, impacting their husbands’ view on life. Who knows how many other factors made one prince different from another?
When it came time to offer their gifts for the Mishkan, no two moments were the same. Nachshon ben Aminadov was first, so he did not have someone before him to learn from. Nesanel ben Tzu’ar, who was second, did. But the actual moment he brought his gift was different, because time does not stand still. History had changed by the time his turn was up, and it changed the nature of the same gift of his predecessor. The same was true about each subsequent prince and gift. 
The same can also be said about every individual, especially when it comes to praying the same Shemonah Esrai, three times a day, six days a week. It’s the EXACT same words, phrased the EXACT same way EACH time. For people for whom the phrase, “familiarity breeds contempt” is a natural instinct, how is one supposed to put “umph” into their tefillah time-after-time-after-time?
That’s where THIS week’s parsha picks up. The first section returns to a discussion about the Menorah, which the Ramban sees as an allusion to Chanukah. But, the basic mitzvah discusses how to the light the Menorah:

Speak to Aharon and tell him: “When you light the lamps, the seven lamps must cast their light toward the face of the Menorah.” (Bamidbar 8:2)

When you light: Literally, when you cause to ascend. Since the flame rises, the Torah describes kindling in terms of ascending. He is required to kindle the lamp until the flame rises by itself. (Rashi)

All societies survive because of traditions that are passed down from one generation to the next, but Torah society DEPENDS upon it. It depends not just upon the accurate transmission of the material that is meant to technically guide us through life. It depends upon the accurate transmission of the “soul” meant to inspire each new generation to sincerely and energetically serve God. 
Therefore, the education job of one generation is not complete until the light of the next generation is able to stand on its own. If the inspiration that first “sold” our ancestors on Torah is not successfully passed on from one generation to the next, then most Jews will be unable to maintain much of a connection to Torah in general. 
What is the best way to measure the Torah inspiration level of a generation? By the way people perform their mitzvos, but primarily, by the way they pray.
Learning Torah is enjoyable, and it can even become competitive. Everyone wants to become a talmid chacham, and maybe even a Rosh Yeshivah one day. There is plenty to be excited about when learning Torah even without the kind of inspiration we are talking about. You can find people who zealously learn Torah, but who also unzealously perform their other mitzvos, ESPECIALLY prayer.
Tefillah is something that you cannot become inspired about, unless you are generally inspired in your service of God. Not only does such a person pursue a close and intimate relationship with God, they usually already have one. They are real with God as their benefactor, and they use prayer to both show their appreciation for what they have, and to ask God for what they need. They know that when they “show up” to prayer, God does as well. 
What does this mean? Of course God is ALREADY everywhere at ALL times. But, for a person to SENSE this, which changes the entire nature of the way they perform mitzvos, and especially the way they pray, they have to be both INTELLECTUALLY and EMOTIONALLY involved. This is what it means to “show up” for anything. 
Being somewhere intellectually is the less difficult of the two. Just being there already makes that easier, and focusing on what is being done adds to it. A person who comes to shul to pray, does what is expected of him, and even thinks about what he is doing is, for the most part,  intellectually “there.”
The question is, where is their heart? Where are they emotionally? Back at home, or the office, still thinking about what they were doing before they went to shul, or worrying about something they have to do once they leave? There are countless things that can distract a person’s heart from one moment to the next, and will continue to do so, if what the person is currently doing is not their activity of choice.

Every person works differently, but every person is like the kohen who lights the Menorah. A person’s inspiration will not kindle on its own, and if not ignited properly, the flame will go out. 

The question is the same for everyone: How do I kindle my soul so that it burns brightly and strongly towards God? How a person answers that question is their own personal service of God while down here on earth.

A Calm Swedish Family Home Built in the 1920's

Hej hej! Hur mår du idag? We're still basking in heat in Sweden which is unheard of for May. It's made me very grateful that our house is a little on the dark side: it feels so nice and cool (the ice cold mojito's help too of course!). Perhaps that's why I was also drawn to the 1920's home of Emelie Sundberg today. Emelie, her husband and two children Noah (4) and Ellie (1) and dog Charlie (see if you can spot him having a snooze!) live in the suburbs of Stockholm. The beautiful interior is awash with cool, calm greys and greens and dotted with plants, fresh cut flowers and a blend of warm textures. Enjoy!

Who needs a bath when a farmhouse sink will do just fine? Such a cute picture! Love the plant in the window too (see my guide to hanging plants here and indoor climbers here).

"What is most important to me when it comes to creating a family home is to make it simple, cosy and practical. For me, it's important everything has its own place and that it is easy to clean up. But it must also be personal and inviting." 

I've got the same Z1 pendant light in my sitting room  and I love it in the evenings. It lets of a lovely warm glow.  I also spy a Milk Table Lamp on the windowsill!

"I would describe my style has Scandinavian, simple and with a lot of natural materials such as wood, linen and stone. I love to mix design classics with antique and inherited furniture."

Emelie has embraced the original features of the 1920's house and opted for more of a traditional library feel in the office which she has furnished it with a desk from IKEA and an Eames chair. 

"What I love most about our home is the preserved original details from 1925. I also fell in love with the open floor plan."

The rust coloured linen bedding adds a subtle shot of colour to the bedroom and looks great with the green-grey wall.

There's so much to love about Noah's room including the wall colour (from Beckers) and matching curtains, Garbo&Friends bedding, Pink garland and belly basket.

Aaaaah, so lovely - it's such a picture of serenity.

Did you spot the doggy?!

Are there any ideas you're looking to steal? 

You can see more of Emelie's home on her blog and instagram.

My daughter's just got home so we're heading down to the sea for a swim now (you might here the sizzle from there!).

Have a lovely evening!

PS Looking for something with bright colours? You'll love the Swedish home of Elsa Billgren and a home with black floors and vibrant hues!

Photography: Emelie Sundberg

HAWAII – A Warning of World Retribution

'Pele's hair' is falling from the sky in Hawaii

WIKIPEDIA: Pele's hair is a form of lava. It is named after Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes. It can be defined as volcanic glass fibers or thin strands of volcanic glass.[1] The strands are formed through the stretching of molten basaltic glass from lava, usually from lava fountains, lava cascades, and vigorous lava flows.

strands of Pele’s Hair
Pele's hair is extremely light, so the wind often carries the fibers high into the air and to places several kilometers away from the vent. It is common to find fibers of Pele's hair on high places like top of trees, radio antennas, and electric poles.

Add caption

USA TODAY: This isn't your typical weather forecast: "Pele’s Hair is falling in Pahoa," the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory announced Tuesday in a forecast for the Kilauea volcano.

The normally staid National Weather Service also got in on the act, warning that "Pele's hair and other lightweight volcanic glass from high fountaining fissures are being transported downwind.”

EXPRESS (no link): Hawaii volcano update LIVE: Latest USGS maps and pictures as lava flows SPREAD


HAWAII'S Kilauea volcano continues to wreak devastation across Big Island leaving vast swathes of land empty and major highways cut off. As the USGS issued its latest warning, here is all the live news, pictures and maps from Hawaii's volcano.

Reuters Photo. Fast-moving lava from Hawaii's Kilauea volcano has so far destroyed some 82 homes and dozens of properties as the molten liquid surged through the streets
6.00am: Hawaii hit by 5.3 magnitude tremors on Wednesday as natural disasters continue to strike. Hawaii was hit by a 5.3 magnitude earthquake on Wednesday as natural disasters continue to strike the island amid Kilauea chaos. Kilauea rumbled back to life on May 3 as it began extruding lava and toxic gases through a series of cracks in the ground on its eastern flank.

HUGE EARTH CHANGE: Kilauea - Earthquakes are RAPIDLY increasing near the summit

THE WAR IN SOUTH ISRAEL and The Spiritual Cause

Current Events On The War In Israel
and Samson And Delilah
(finishing Naso and Beha’alotcha) 
The Root of the Problem, the Spiritual Element, Is in the Hands of Hashem

Birchat Kohanim has 60 letters = of Spiritual Protection for the People ~ the 60 Body-Guards surrounding the Bed of Shlomo HaMelech to Defend Him (this is a spiritual thing) from Demons and Other Bad Things in the World.

In the Last War with Hamas:  We shoot very well in training, we can target where the rockets fall, but their G–D is Saving Them!

Spiritual tumah of Jews, from non-kosher food, prevents spiritual truths

Non-Jews are allowed to eat anything (as long as its dead), bugs, and other things.

The biggest non-Jewish Prophet (Bilaam): I would like to die like the death of the Jews = and I want to end where the Jews end.  Gentiles do not; only if they Convert strictly al pi Halacha, in modesty (in dignity), kashrut, and accepting ALL the laws of Judaism. 

Liberal Jewish women are not sensitive to their modesty and appear dressed like the non–Jews.

In defense of comments about Mrs. Kushner, when appearing at Jewish functions she dressed modestly, especially when in Eretz Yisrael. This is a serious sensitive topic so please be considerate.

UPDATE:  "IDF publishes photos of some of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets that were struck in Gaza” BUT NO TERRORISTS WERE KILLED. Hence a message to Israel!


If I may, the serious nature of the transgressions of Am Yisrael (All of the Jews) is, perhaps, preventing the arrival of Mashiach. This may mean that Am Yisrael must suffer sufficiently to change the balance of our merit, to one that allows the fulfillment of the End Days Prophecy. Please read Three Kinds of Sins to be forewarned and to encourage personal Teshuva. A Jew must take a Spiritual Accounting of his/her life to determine where one needs to improve. If one does hitbodedut (unstructured, spontaneous and individualized form of prayer and meditation), one can usually sense what one needs to work on. This can be accomplished by secluding oneself in a room, sit quietly, and listen to the ‘inner voice’. Or one can go to a place of nature, with many trees and no people, and likewise sit quietly and ‘contemplate’. It works and is a pleasant experience.

الأربعاء، 30 مايو 2018



Once again parts of Israel did not sleep last night.

For them, it was yet another a night of fear and trepidation. It was a night of frustration with a government that has still not solved the problem of basic security despite two wars fought to do so. It should have been a night of repentance and basic reevaluation.

Who decided on the 12 hours of living nightmares?

Hamas in Gaza did. They decide and we respond. When they have enough and stop trying to kill Jews, we stop responding (usually well-chosen abandoned targets - we don't want to get anyone too angry..) and wait in anxiety for the next round that they decide to initiate.

It was far different before the "Disengagement" from Gaza in the summer of 2005 (the tenth or Av), when almost ten thousand brave Jews lived and created a paradise in Gush Katif. They were the wiling wall between Israel and barbarism. They were dragged from their homes and beloved synagogues, cemeteries, and Israel's paradise. This was the greatest operational success of the IDF since the Six Days War. Medals were handed out.

Hamas did not rule then.

Masses of Arabs did not rush our border. There were no attack/kidnap tunnels reaching into Israel. Tens of thousands of missiles did not fly into Israel. Incendiary kites and balloons did not burn our beloved forests and fields bordering Gaza. Israelis on that border slept far better then.

Iran did not call the shots the either.

What is done is done?

I just wonder how many of those who sneered at the "fanatic" Jews of Gush Katif in their hour of excruciating pain and tears, pause in reflection today as they and their families live a never-ending nightmare.

Hamas decides if they will sleep at night.

Hiding behind concrete is not enough. They nervously clamor for armored convoys to take them from shelter to shelter.

This is so incredible a turn of events it reminds me of the Bible's “tochacha" warning of ever increasing punishment and helplessness for the stiff-necked.

Just as we abandoned Gaza to the terrorists in 2005 which we were told was a great Zionist undertaking, so too did we flee southern Lebanon in 2000 (another superb Zionist undertaking), abandoning our longtime south Lebanese allies in the bloody lurch and grip of Hizbullah. So much for Israeli loyalty to friends and allies.

The vacuum we created was filled by Iran. What a surprise!

We have since fought two wars on that border losing many precious souls. Make no mistake, the residents of northern Israel will dive into their holes again when Hezbollah decides it is time. Meanwhile, we live on pins and needles - the direct result of fleeing terror and abandoning our most loyal ally.

Similarly, when Israel abandoned large tracts of Judea and Samaria to Arafat in 1994, each one of those now "Judenrein" parts of Israel became terror dens – and the list of dead Jews spiral out of control.

Is there a pattern here?

Am I the only one who sees it?

Am I privy to an insight that our greatest political and military minds are not?

Is it some huge secret that when one feels terror, it pursues you?


Umber and Chestnut Accents in a Lovely Swedish Home

Rust, umber, chestnut, chocolate - rich shades of dark brown are turning out to be the unsung hero of 2018! I was sceptical at first and a tad nervous about painting my office in Norwegian Wood (especially after my seven year old's colour comparison, which I won't repeat!). But now that I've lived with it for a month (alongside the blushing peach in my bedroom) I absolutely love it. Deep browns have such a calm, warm and sophisticated feel to them. If you're still weary, but tempted, why not start with some more subtle touches? Gothenburg based Swedish interior stylist Elin Odnegård has opted for rich chocolate accents in her home which she has combined with milky white, beige, soft grey and powder for a truly calm aesthetic.  Let's take a peek...

An uber comfy looking 70's armchair picked up at a flea market has been paired with the 'Be Quiet' print and a Muuto wood table lamp

I do love the print! It reminds me a little of The Twits!

Elin has painted the wooden Ivar cupboard from IKEA in Norwegian Wood from Jotun.

A Tom Dixon Mirror Ball Pendant and Knoll Cesca Cane armless chairs bring a touch of the seventies vibe to the dining area.

The shelves behind the dining table are used to display a collection of one of ceramic pieces including pretty white vase made by Elin's friend Emmeli Hultqvist.

These powder coloured sheer curtains are so pretty - they add so much softness to the kitchen dining area which also features the Muuto Fluid pendant light.

The Rabbit with Small Hat print, a Sandqvist rucksack and personalised kitchen cabinets from IKEA look lovely against a wall painted in Balans by Jotun lady.

So, what did you think? Liking the brown accents?

If you'd love to see more of Elin's home hop on over to her instagram feed along where she sahres daily snippets along with her latest interior projects.  Or for more general information about Elin's work and to ogle some truly beautiful images from her portfolio - visit her website here.

For more brown inspo today there's always the 'brown' archive (yes, I have an archive for everything!) - I especially love this home!

Have a great day everyone!

PS It's so crazy hot here in Sweden that the Government has actually issued a ban on disposable barbecues due to the risk of forest fire anywhere south of Stockholm (the message was received in the form of a text and e-mail!) - absolutely nuts for the time of year!

Photography: Elin Odnegård

Goodwill, Dollar Tree & My Art -- What a Combo!

Things around here seem to be moving along at a pretty even pace.  The days have fallen into a routine of sorts, and I'm slowly feeling more and more like myself.  Patience isn't my best virtue, but I'm getting there.  This is just a quick video of a few things I've been up to -- most of my days are spent doing the routine.  I'm spending a lot of time doing painting and paper crafts.  I dont' seem to be able to really sit and read or crochet.  That is okay.  I'm enjoying what I am doing.

الثلاثاء، 29 مايو 2018

Budget Make-Over: A Small, Dingy Hallway Becomes a Bright, Happy Space

Do you ever think you play it way to safe at home? I sometimes look around and wonder why I'm not going a little more wild! Perhaps not on the bigger investment pieces like sofas and kitchen cabinets but on the smaller items like paint and accessories (i.e. things that can be easily swapped out once you tire of them) - after all, pops of colour can put such a big smile on your face!

This hallway is a fine example. Natalie Jacob of Arsenic Lace, recently transformed her dingy, windowless hallway and stairwell into a bright and happy place as part of the Calling It Home One Room Challenge. Think rainbow pink stairs, vibrant botanical wallpaper and macrame plant holders - all on a shoe-string budget!

Natalie opted for Fern Leaves wallpaper from Boho Walls and placed an IKEA bench under a row of hooks for multipurpose storage.

The stairs have been painted in Soft Pink, Creamy Peach, Perky Peach, and Summer Sun Pink by Benjamin Moore and range from a lighter pink at the top of the stairs to a deep coral at the foot. 

Natalie made the plant hangers herself (DIY tutorial here) but there are many affordable options on Etsy, like this lovely one!

A painting by Natalie's partner Ethan has been designed to perfectly match the colours of the hallway - so clever (and pretty!).

You can read more about Natalie's hallway refresh here and see more inspiration from her lovely home (and a load of GREAT cocktail recipes) here (after all, you totally need a drink to match the stairs).

Another space guaranteed to put a big smile on your face is this vibrant home in Nashville - so fabulous!

Anyone else wondering of they should add more colour to their home? Not sure where to start? Kate Watson-Smyth suggests that if you're unsure what colours to go for - look at your wardrobe. if you're comfortable wearing it, you'll be comfortable having it in your home!

Have a lovely day!

Photography: Thaddeus Rombauer

Photographic Evidence That Angels Are Real?

A Michigan man says his security cameras picked up footage of an angel with a sword recently.

“I said, ‘That’s an angel!’ And I was just blown away, I couldn’t wait to send it to my wife and send it to - - - - -. And I said, ‘I got an angel, and my camera took a picture of an angel,'” Glen Thorman tells WNDU.

Last night at the Thorman’s house, the security camera recorded this snapshot. Glen Thorman is the fire chief for East Jordan …( they attend Jordan Rivers) Yep folks… It’s an angel. I guess there is no question who is watching over their residence while they sleep, and yes, they pray that The Angels of the Lord will surround them and their property….These photo’s have not been altered in anyway. The second photo, the security camera also shot because the angel was moving away. The camera is designed to photograph anything in motion or unusual…. lots of tears today when they opened the security on their camera …WOW!

“We have studied the photo from all possibilities. This ‘Being’ is behind the truck with translucent wings. We checked the temp at 12:49 am for this location. 46* was predicted in town, 39* degrees at the Thorman’s perhaps lower, but the average for his home is a 7 degrees difference in temperature. (Their home is out in the sticks which is much colder than us near Lake Charlevoix) The photograph was taken early morning on the 9th. @ 12:49… And it’s believed the ground was still cold,” the statement read, as reported by the Christian Post.

“We contemplated the piles of snow at the residence until May 3rd, (left over from the 3 1/2 + ft. snowstorm April 16-20th).and accounted for the melt down factor which took quite a few days. …And although moths have been seen in temps of 35* according to research, not a mosquito or moth has been seen yet to-date in their neck of the woods or ours, not sayin’ there ain’t any; just that we haven’t seen any yet in these parts….and tonight, we have another round of frost. So… that’s the last of the scientific research.  endoftheamericandream.


Comment: Say what you will, but the photo is highly unusual. Even though this is a xtian site, the photo is undeniably reminiscent of what one thinks an Angel might look like.

الاثنين، 28 مايو 2018


Is civilization on Hawaii going to disappear beneath the Lava?
Hawaii Volcanic Eruption

Living on top of 19 Volcanos on the Islands of Hawaii

Hawaii Volcanic History since 1788 (1832 records)

HAWAII proper is made up of 5 volcanos:
Mauna Kea
Kilauea – erupting slowly since 1983
Mauna Loa – 1984 eruption

Weekly Goals Update: Week 21

1.  Disaster Preparedness
Week 21 was an emergency fuel supply.  We have this to a certain extent.  We do keep some extra gas on hand and try to not let the fuel in the vehicles get too low.  I would certainly never last 2-3 months, but I not a prepper.  I am just trying to get by.  I think in a "walking dead/zombie apocalypse" situation none of this would help too much.  I am not focusing on super awful disaster survival.

2.  Makeover the Garden
I moved some marigolds to other parts of the yard.  I also transplanted some tomatillos and mystery tomatoes into raised beds.  We are still getting rain almost every day.  This week I want to set up the last raised bed.  I am also temped to add a few more herbs to the garden.  I will have to decide before the free shipping offer at Seed Savers Exchange expires tonight.

3.  Organize Recipes
Nothing done on this goal.  I spent too much time in the garden again.

4.  Have 13 No Spend Grocery Weeks
I skipped shopping this past week bringing my total up to 5 no spend grocery weeks.  I am hoping to get a couple of these in during June.  My plans are still to shop only twice per month.

5.  Focus on Saving
One of my big savings this week was to fill my garden with plants flowers from other parts of the yard.  I have piles and piles of marigolds so I am using those around the chicken house and pheasant/turkey pens.  As soon as I set out the plants, I started seeing pollinators visiting them.  Since we have garden plants and fruit trees scattered all over the yard, pollinators are a great thing.  More pollinators translates into more and healthier produce.

6.  Etsy Store
This past week I researched what I needed to do as far as collecting sales tax.  Can I just say it all makes my head spin slightly?  Ugh!  I think I have it figured out, but I need to do a few more things before I can actually get my shop up and running.

Cheryl asked how my husband's job hunt is going.  He has applied to several places and has had one interview.  We are doing okay money-wise for now.  Not having a mortgage, car payment, satellite bill, etc has certainly freed us up to be patient.  We are still praying that the right thing will open up - whatever that may be.

Anyone Else Rather be on Svenja's Balcony Today?!

Why hello there! Hope you had a good weekend? I'm slowly cranking into action (mondays, huh?!) - but I think I've found where I'd really love to be right now - on Svenja's balcony in beautiful Vienna! In fact, I'd quite happily be relaxing anywhere in her entire apartment right now! Originally from Germany, Svenja worked as a style editor before moving to Vienna with her boyfriend. Today she shares her passion for interior design on Traumzuhaus and her delightful instagram feed (check out her enviable trips to Bali, Greece and Thailand - gah!)- where she frequently shares snapshots of their monochrome-themed home. I spy a whole load of beautiful design pieces too! Enjoy the tour!

Above Ground print, Hank vertical Chandelier (wall candle), Mantis floor lamp, B&B Italia sofa

Her Side print, AJ lamp, Ljungby vase, ECM espresso machine.

Petite Friture Vertigo Suspension light, Flos 265 wall lamp.

Eye Eye Print, Korbo handwired basket

Simplicity at it's finest, don't you agree? And how about that balcony?!

I love the idea of having a coffee machine in the sitting room too - there's something so decadent about it! Sort of like - 'I'm just going to drift on over and make myself an espresso without missing a single second of Games Of Throne'!

Is there anything that caught your eye?

I do believe this is the first ever apartment I've featured from Vienna! I'm not sure why since I'm sure there are lots of fabulous homes in Austria's capital city - tips / submissions welcome!

You can see more of Svenja's apartment here - and check out a load of beeeeautiful monochrome spaces in this archive.

Have a great start to the week!