الاثنين، 21 مايو 2018

Weekly Goals Update

1.  Disaster Preparedness
Week 20 involves having a one month food supply.  Most of the time this is no problem at all.  Living out in the country means at least a 45 minute round trip into town for major things.  While I could drive to either little (but bigger than mine) town on either side of us, I generally am not a fan of going somewhere unless I have a good reason.  This time of year it is pretty easy.  Neighbors are constantly swapping vegetables that are in their gardens.  I keep a good supply of basics on hand due to our location.  Would we love every meal I could come up with (especially those near the end of the month)?  Probably not, but we could eat.

2.  Makeover the Garden
This past week with all of the rain I spent time pulling weeds.  We have tea weeds here.  I prefer not to use weed killers, chemicals, etc.  Instead I pull them up.  This is best done after a good rain which we had several of this past week.  I made really good progress in the main garden.  This week my plan is to finish in the main garden and clean around the newly planted fruit trees.

3.  Organize Recipes
I am determined to get through at least one section of my recipe notebook or maybe sort through some recipes I tore out of magazines.

4.  Have 13 No Spend Grocery Recipes
We did our main grocery shop this past week.  This week my plan is to skip the grocery store.  To make that a bit easier I want to do some freezer cooking this week.  During the summer we are usually out in the yard late.  Quick meals make life so much easier.

5.  Focus on Saving
I picked up an item on clearance ($0.55) that would be perfect for one of my secret sister gifts with a couple other small items added.  I planned laundry around the rain days.  I picked up a free photo from Walgreens and ordered a free one from Snapfish.  I found a great deal on contact disinfecting solution with free shipping so I stocked up. 

6.  Goal #6
You might have noticed that I skipped the "Have Fun" goal last week.  I found that I needed to adjust this goal given our current situation.  I still plan to enjoy life, but I need to work on growing a business.  I have chosen to focus on crafty items.  I am planning to open an Etsy shop.  My new goal will be to open and grow an Etsy shop this year!

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