الثلاثاء، 8 مايو 2018

Getting to Bordeaux

Hello Dear Reader,

I am not a good flyer, like, not at all, I dislike the take off's and landings, I hang on tightly to whom ever I am flying with and the arm of my seat till my knuckles are white. I can never get comfy in the seats, I hate that my skin and eyes dry out terribly, I can't sleep on the plane, I hate the waste that flying generates, oh I could go on and on, but unfortunately Teleporting is not a thing yet, so flying it is.

Our flight from Brisbane to Singapore was really quite easy, there was some turbulence flying out of Brisbane but after 10 minutes or so it settled down. I had a window seat, which was probably wasted on a chicken like me who really doesn’t enjoy looking down.

Our travel to Bordeaux included 3 separate flights
Brisbane to Singapore at 7 1/2 hours
Singapore to Amsterdam at 12 hours
Amsterdam to Bordeaux at 1 1/2 hours

A beautiful Orchid display at the Singapore Airport 

We were then met at the airport by staff of the Scenic team for transfer to our "SpaceShip" Scenic Diamond for the start of our 11 day "Beautiful Bordeaux" river Cruise. Travelling on the Garonne, Dordogne and Gironde rivers in south west France.

Just before boarding the Scenic Diamond 

Lunch was a simple smoked salmon, creamed cheese and cucumber roll, plus a cup of tea, almond cake and a glass of white wine.

I am absolutely exhausted after travelling for 29 hours, I am off to have a long hot shower before getting ready for the Welcome dinner tonight at 6pm. 

Have a lovely Day,

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