الاثنين، 14 يناير 2019

January Goals Update: Week 2

1.  Set up a Routine
This took a bit of a sideline this week as I was under the weather with sinus stuff and then a migraine.  Fun times. I was already on autopilot for some things.  I managed to do a load of laundry every day and keep up with the basic cleaning chores.  I know a routine is going to have to be flexible to work for us.  If I can get a set schedule on the main things, I will be happy.  I think minimalizing the amount of stuff we have in the house help.  I spend too much time cleaning/putting things away.  That may be a goal for a future month.

2.  Pantry/Freezer Challenge
I did an awful job of keeping up with what we ate this week.  We had pizza with ground meat since we were out of pepperoni.  I mixed some beef chorizo with ground meat for nachos.  I had already been warned that the chorizo was very greasy so the extra meat cut that.  W was on his on for a few meals as I was just not hungry.  Hopefully I can do better this week.

I have only spent $20 this month.  I plan to stay out of the grocery store this week but will do some shopping before the month is over.  My goal is to only spend $40 more.  That will give me $60 for the last monthly goal.

3.  Plan the Garden
I did a bit of changing on my seed wish list.  I actually found some nasturtium seeds and some sunflower seeds.  I marked nasturtium and the mini bell pepper off my list and added marjoram and another flower seed.  My total will still be under $60 which is the goal.  I am happy with the three tires we picked up to use as raised beds.  I am gardening on a budget this year.  I do hope that the garden produces more than enough food to offset these purchases.

Flowers are not a necessity, but they are on my garden list.  I noticed several other bloggers mention wanting to be able to cut bouquets for their homes.  I am looking to do the same as well as attract pollinators to my garden. 

I am growing more herbs this year.  One reason is for my own use.  Fresh herbs are hard to find in stores here and not really fresh.  I want to have enough to dry for use during the winter.  The second reason is for the farm animals.  Many herbs are wonderful for chickens and rabbits.  If I grow them myself, I know they are safe.

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