W was out of town last week so the routine was all one me. We have different morning styles. He has no problem getting up early but prefers to dilly dally before he gets going. On the other hand I am not a morning person, but I like to get right to work when I awaken. The routine is really a work in progress. I do think we are getting better as each week goes by. I just need to get W more on board with the whole idea.
2. Pantry/Freezer Challenge
I did no grocery shopping last week. While W was away I ate a variety of single serve leftovers I had frozen for days such as this. I even took pictures of a few things I ate.
I could definitely have eaten healthier, but it is hard when it is winter. There is little fresh produce growing in the yard/garden, and I am trying to save every grocery dollar I can this month. When W returned, we did have salads with some lettuce from the garden.
I am planning to spend no more than $40 to get us through the next two weeks. That will be made slightly easier since my mom dropped off a box of groceries. My dad needs to be on a low fat diet, and he does not believe in doing anything half way.
This will give me several more meals for this month and next. I did give her some extra whole wheat flour that I have, but I definitely got the better end of the deal.
3. Plan the Garden
Our anticipated hard freeze did not happen which makes me happy. All of my herbs are still growing strong. My pepper and eggplant seedlings are doing well. I will share some pictures of them and the outside garden later in the week. On my planning list for this week - plant jalapeno seeds. I found some more peat pellets and will add them to the tray I already have growing.
Would you be surprised to learn that I made some changes to my seed order? I decided to check a second small seed company that I have ordered from in the past. I found that MIGardener had about half of the seeds on my list for discounted prices. I also had a coupon code and some reward points. That dropped my seed total from $60 down to $42. Saving money is the goal this year. Now I only need to save $13 to cover the fruit plants I pre-ordered. I will not be charged until they ship so I have time.
My ultimate goal this year is to cut down on our spring/summer grocery bill by eating from the garden. Things like flowers will be an added bonus. Are you dreaming of a garden this year? What are you growing?
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