الجمعة، 20 أبريل 2018

Frugal Friday

First of all I apologize again for the lack of posts lately.  Last week W lost his job after 25 years.  We were expecting it, but that did not change the fact that it threw us for a loop.  We do not have as big a cushion in our emergency fund as before building the house.  Still we will be okay for several months even if we do not bring in any money.  Of course, we plan on bringing in money.  At this point in time we plan to try to make it through various means.  We plan for our hobby farm/homestead to bring in some income.  W is going to expand his side business.  I have some teaching jobs lined up and will also be opening an Etsy shop.  I will share more about the Etsy shop once I have it up and running.

All of that being said - frugal has taken on a new meaning in our house.  If we are able to do without something, we will.  I have been spending time on the reward sites (Bing, Swagbucks, MyPoints) to earn gift cards for necessary purchases.  I have been listing things on eBay as well. 

We are expecting this year to be on the lean side financially.  Rather than focusing on what we are doing without, we are looking at our blessings.  We have no mortgage on our home.  We have a full pantry and two full freezers.  It is garden season, and we will soon have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to eat.  Thanks to a neighbor finding a great deal on pet food a couple of months ago, we have at least a three month supply of pet food for everyone.  We have no car payments, cell phone contracts, or satellite contract. 

We prayed about everything that was going on with W's job and turned it completely over to God.  Things do not always work out like we plan, but they always work out.  I hope you will join me on this new adventure.  I plan to be here more and share how we are thriving. 

*In case anyone is too concerned, W does have a standing job offer in case our current plans to do work out.  He just needs a break from punching a time clock after the past few months of stress.

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