الجمعة، 20 أبريل 2018

What we bought, spent and ate this week

Hello Dear Reader,

And welcome weekend, I think about you all week long! This weekend I want to-

-Brew another batch of Kombucha, this was yesterday brew after I drained and sieved it, its nice and sweet with a soft bubbles.

-Catch up with the washing
-Take some more boxes of donations from next door, down to Life Line and do some more sorting
-Hand Wash the new dress I ordered for our upcoming holiday, it arrived and it fits like a glove
-While I am at Life Line I want to look for a half slip or petticoat as the new dress is a little see-through.
-Make a loaf of bread, I think I will make a "5 minute, Like Sourdough" loaf and bake it tomorrow morning
-Do some quilting
-Tidy the pantry, it is so messy
-Do a quick tidy of the house, during the week some areas become dumping grounds and get overlooked and messy

That should keep me out of mischief for a while!

Now on with what we bought, spent and ate this week-

What we bought
Shopping from Marjax Meats and the Northside Discount Fruit Barn

Shopping from Aldi

What we spent
Marjax Meats-$19.25
Northside Discount Fruit Barn-$39.33

TOTAL-$103.64, YESSS! way under
What we ate
Friday-Leftovers, Lovely Hubby had leftover Smoked Salmon and Asparagus Penne

And I had left over Veggie Shepherds Pie

Saturday and Sunday-Pumpkin, Lentil and Spinach Curry with steamed Basmati rice and Papadums

Monday-Our last packet of Whiting, in Tempura with steamed Basmati rice and Bok Choy

Tuesday and Wednesday-Mulligatawny with home made Naan bread

Thursday-Easy Chicken and Pumpkin Tikka Marsala with steamed Basmati rice and Papadums

So that was my week in food, what was on your family table this week? Click the speech bubble at the end of this post to add your comment.

Have a great weekend

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