الأحد، 29 أبريل 2018

What is Right and What is Wrong?

Hello Dear Reader,

Sorry for the hijacking of this blog post today, it was supposed to be a fabulous recipe for Cheesy Baked Pasta, but yesterday was just a schmozzle, so I just didn't get any time to devote to my blog. I try and spend an hour or so every Sunday, getting all my ducks in row, blog post wise, for the week ahead, but for lots of reasons it just didn't happen yesterday.

I will ask this question though-What is right and what is wrong with my blog?

I would like genuine feedback as to the content of my blog, as I seem to have stalled in the attracting new followers (not that it is my main aim) but I often wonder if everyone is sick to death of the topics I write about. Readership is up, but commenting by readers is at an all time low, making me think that I must be doing something wrong. I would really like to know if this blog, the way I write and the content is relatable or is it now not keeping up?

Am I too personal?
Am I too repetitive?
Do I write too often?
Am I just another frugal living person with not too much new to write about?
Is the content boring?
Should I stop writing about what I am thankful for?
What do you like to read about?
Do I post too many photo's?

I know, so many questions, I am still enjoying this blogging business but I do feel that I must be missing the target somehow.

I would really like some feedback as to how I can improve the reading quality of this blog, go ahead make my day!

One Year Ago-How I freeze herbs to prevent waste
Two Years Ago-What we don't buy

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