الثلاثاء، 1 يناير 2019

The Top 10 Simple and Frugal Living Posts from 2018

Hello Dear Reader,

Following on from yesterdays theme of the top 10 from 2018, today I would like to tell you about the top 10, Simple and Frugal Living posts from my little blog. Everyones interpretation of living simply and frugally will be slightly different to the next person doing the similar thing. Everyone has different standards and needs, so what will make me happy, may not be for you and visa versa.

I do, however, believe that once you have started on the path to a more frugal life, simplicity will surely follow.

1. My Best Tips for a Frugal and Simple Life-1591

2. One Second Every Day-February 2018-615

3. This Weeks 5 Frugal Things on a Friday 02/03/2018-460

4. A Before and After # 2-429

5. Queen Bea-385

6. Rescuing the Fig Tree-370

7. Future Plans for the Garden-351

8. What's Under my Kitchen Sink-342

9. What's in my Utensil Holder-337

10. Grocery Bargains-313

Your turn, what does a simple and frugal life look like to you?

Have a lovely day,

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