الخميس، 15 فبراير 2018

This Weeks 5 Frugal Things on a Friday

Hello Dear Reader,

This weeks 5 frugal things is a bit of tongue in cheek, so please don't take offence if you do or don't do any of these things, I am just being silly. That's what a week of living on the beach will do to you.

1. Resisted the urge to go to the club for dinner and cooked at home every night

Bacon and Egg Toasties with Chopped Salad on the side

2. Didn't have a take away tea or coffee all week

We bought tea leaves and ground coffee plus plungers for both with us from home

3. Line dried the washing

I rinse out my 50 plus sun protection shirt every night and by the morning it's ready to go again

4. Packed morning tea, lunch and tea and water to have while we were out everyday

We have been enjoying tuna and chopped salad wraps everyday for lunch and a hot cross bun and muesli bars as snacks, plus water and tea for me, oh and of course I pack my piece of dark chocolate to have with the peppermint tea

5. Used up the food we had in the house
When camping, we keep the food side of things pretty basic but always tasty, I made a big Chopped Salad and it has indeed lasted all week. I also made this rissole mix which was enough for dinner and lunch on wraps with salad. If there is anything left over from dinner I bring it along for lunch the next day.

I put the Chopped Salad into a clip lock container lined with a clean linen tea towel, it has kept as fresh as a daisy all week long

So, there you go this weeks cheeky 5 frugal things, I would love to know how you have saved money this week. To comment simply click on the speech bubble at the end of this post.

Have a fantastic Friday

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