الأحد، 4 فبراير 2018

Frugal Happenings Week 5

(I know some of these items are repetitive, but this is my personal record. I’m focusing on “watch the pennies and the dollars will follow.”) Sunday
  • Hung laundry to dry.
  • Used two pressure cookers to cook lunch.  Pork loin in one which was divided in half for two meals.  If I hadn’t been dividing it I would have done a one pot meal, but I didn’t want flavors melded.  The second one cooked enough root veggies to eat on during the week.  While I was cooking I fixed some extra cornbread as well.
  • I saved a quart of broth from the pork.  
  • I opened a dehydrated food storage item to begin rotating it in.
  • We spent half an hour working on some office supply set up that would have normally been hired out.  
  • I cut my husband’s hair.
  • I paid bills online, but had to mail 2 checks.
  • I used the broth I saved from the pork to make soup in the pressure cooker.  I ended up with a pint of the soup left.
  • I filled out February's menu on the board and placed our Sam's Club order.  I still have to go to Walmart to fill in a few gaps, but I'm pleased we have a few items from last month's shopping rolling into this one.  
  • It was cold and damp, and I really would have loved to turn up the heat.  Instead I looked like a bum all day in my sweats, but I stayed warm.
  • My husband needed a specific door knob, which we were having trouble finding locally.  I researched online and found the best deal.  It will be here this week.
  • I didn't have a no spend day.  I ordered a mop.
  • I printed out a coupon for Hobby Lobby.  I want — not truly life essential need — some stickers for my planner, but the cold weather kept me from going out unnecessarily.  Saved LOL
  • I did go out long enough to pick up our Sam's Club order, but we came straight back.
  • Did the Aldi run.  They had a good selection of gluten free products out so we picked up some items for my cabinet.  Not a no spend day, but their GF products are far cheaper than the other stores.
  •  Went to Lowes to buy blackout curtains for my bedroom and a new recycling can for the kitchen.  Saved $15.00.
  • Took advantage of a coupon to get 50% off of some stickers from Michaels.  I also went to Dollar Tree and picked up some flowers for a small arrangement.  I shared what I picked up in the video.  

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