السبت، 3 فبراير 2018

Sunny Side Up Sunday

Hello Dear Reader,

Today I am grateful for my health. My Dad used to say"Your health is your wealth" and I find it to rings true. Both Lovely Hubby and I have lost both sets of parents when they were in their early 60's, that is only another 10 years or so older than I am now.

I want to live a long healthy life and do everything in my power to do so. I eat a fairly balanced diet, I move my body everyday, I drink plenty of filtered water and I take time out to enjoy things that bring me joy, like sewing and gardening. Looking after my body and mental health and something I work at everyday in the hope that it leads to a long healthy life.

In my work, in a Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Unit, I see examples of it everyday, how you live your life has consequences, for the good and for the bad, I want mine to be a good example. At the beginning and end of the day I want to feel well, both mentally and physically and embrace the day and make a difference.

What are you grateful for today?

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