الجمعة، 2 فبراير 2018

What we bought, spent and ate this week

Hello Dear Reader,

This week has all been about simple salads and light dinners, as it has been so hot the last thing I want to do is make the kitchen hotter. It was also a bit of a messy week, grocery shopping wise, Friday was Australia Day and as I didn't want to go near the shops on a public holiday, I did a small shop on Thursday afternoon, after work to keep us going. Well, guess what? I still went to Coles on Friday for a few things and then we did the big grocery shop on Saturday, so our budget this week is well over what it should be. We also had the pleasure of our daughter and partner staying for a few days over the long weekend, so that meant more people at our dinner table each night. As I type this I am not looking forward to adding up the dockets.

What we bought
Thursday-Northside Discount Fruit Barn

Thursday-Marjax Meats, Pork for Slow Cooked Balsamic & Honey Pork and a boned Lamb shoulder for Slow Cooked Herb, Lemon and Garlic Lamb

Friday-Aldi and one item from Coles (Sunflower Seeds)



What we spent
Northside Discount Fruit Barn-$21.65
Marjax Meats-$62.00



What we ate
Friday-Australia Day-Slow Cooked Lamb Shoulder with Roast Pumpkin and Spinach Salad

Saturday-Steamed Fish with Ginger and Spring Onions, steamed Basmati rice and Choy Sum

And for dessert, a magnificent Pavlova

Sunday-Slow Cooker Balsamic and Honey Pork with steamed Basmati rice and Bok Choy, there was enough of this left for lunch the next day for all 6 of us

Monday-Falafel Wraps

So delicious

Tuesday-Leftover Steamed Fish

Wednesday-Curried Beef Sausage Rolls with Easy Chopped Salad

Thursday-Pan Fried Fish and Easy Chopped Salad

So, that's a wrap, of what we bought, spent and ate at our place. It was quite the large sum of $$ we spent this week, but still cheaper than if we went out for dinner a few nights, or had takeaway for lunches or dinners. 

I would love to know any new recipes you've tried this week, let me know, it's all inspiration.

Have a lovely day

Two Years Ago-What we ate this week

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