Although I am truly grateful for a public holiday (hello Ekka) I really wish I had spent the time more wisely, doing something that I enjoyed rather than doing something that needed doing. I decided that I wanted to get into the sewing/spare room to clear it out once and for all. You see, along with my sewing/quilting stuff there is so many belongings of my adult children that it was absolutely swamped. Adding to the mess, this room is often used as a dumping ground for items too hard to deal with right away, and as I had bought over quite a few items from next door that need sorting (photos, linen, more photos, oh and some more photos) it looked like a disaster area. I wish I was kidding.
I have, unfortunately written about this same subject many times before, see here and here, you think I would have learnt my lesson by now. Don't put it down, put it away...
So, sit down, pour yourself a strong coffee or tea, try not to choke on your toast and have a look at this-
Somewhere under there is my sewing table
All of that corner, mostly belongs to my son

The unit to the left belongs to my son, it was just too heavy for me to shift

That timber and rattan thing-y you can see is actually a really beautiful double bed frame. I just love it and when our adult kids move their beds out, I will set this beauty up.
Both lovely hubby and myself were totally exhausted last night, he had jackhammered the excess concrete away from the metal supports for the concrete sleepers and taken all the busted up concrete to the dump, he had also dug a trench for a drain that will run along the front of the raised garden beds. I took everything out of this room that didn't belong to me, I took all of our sons belongings next door and took all of my daughters belongings down to her storage shed. I gave everything a good wipe down and the room and cupboard look a million times better now.
Is there a room in your home that gets in a total mess again and again?
Have a lovely day
One Year Ago-No Blog Post Today(we were in Alaska this time last year)
Two Years Ago-Op Shop Bargains
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