الأربعاء، 22 أغسطس 2018

My New Work Hours

Hello Dear Reader,

I've just had 2 Mondays off in a row, one was the Ekka show holiday and this past Monday was an ADO,  I could easily adapt this into my normal every day life, work 4 days and have 3 days off, it would be a wonderful work/life balance wouldn't? Although I can't have that kind of balance, I have decided to cut back my hours at work by just a little. Starting next Monday, I will be doing a 32 hour week, starting at 9am and finishing at 4pm. It will give me a little more time in the morning but I will still be at work for the bulk of the time.

These new work hours were actually suggested by my Senior, who wants to keep me for as long as possible and knew that I was getting a bit disheartened (plus exhausted and a bit broken) working full time. I will simply swap positions with another co-worker who is currently doing the 32 hour week. That co-worker is more than happy with this, as it will benefit them as well.

That will mean I can devout more time to my garden once it is established, spending an hour or so each morning in a productive garden (hopefully) has been a dream of mine for quite a while, it will be an ideal time to garden before the heat of the day and I am sure I can accomplish quite a lot in that time. It will be a better work/life balance for me at the end of the day.

My line of work if very physically demanding and I don't want to end up injured, I already have very sore shoulders and I have also developed a tennis elbow, by cutting back my hours I am hoping to last a bit longer in my chosen field. I keep weighing up the pluses and minuses of the type of work I do and the government agency I work for, the good still outweighs the bad, so I might as well stay with what I know for as long as I can.

Over to you, have you ever negotiated less working hours, has it been a good choice and made a difference to your work/life balance?

Have a lovely day,

Two Years Ago-My Moussaka 

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