الجمعة، 28 ديسمبر 2018

Frugal Friday

W and I went out of town yesterday so he could deliver a couple of fishing rods.  We made plans to stop at a few stores not in our area.  My shopping was kept to specific items on my list.  I bought two ornaments on clearance for next year's ornament swap with my church's women's group.  I also bought Christmas cards.  I accept that I will not have time to make them since basic ones can be bought reasonably after Christmas. 

We ate Christmas leftovers. My family does potluck for meals and then everyone divides up what is left.  That way no one is stuck with way too much of one thing. 

We are expecting a week of rain and damp weather.  I did laundry on the sunny days so I could hang the clothes out to dry.  I will wash slightly smaller loads over the next week so I can hang them to dry inside.

W fed the chickens, peafowl, and turkeys a pumpkin.  We saved the seeds to plant this spring.

I used to buy a planner that included a daily chore list.  While it was helpful, I ended up not needing about half of it and found myself adding more in.  I am creating my own for 2019. It does not save tons of money, but every little bit helps.

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