الخميس، 13 ديسمبر 2018

This Weeks 5 Frugal Things on a Friday

Hello Dear Reader,

Well, that's another week down and only 17 days left of 2018, to me it's gone very quickly but as I look back I can see that I did get a lot done this year. The biggest job was sorting out my late in-laws home next door followed by building and establishing our raised garden beds. I am so glad those jobs are done and dusted and I can look forward to 2019 with a clearer mind and a lighter heart.

We have decided to start planting out the garden beds in March so the gardens will just sit idle while the green manure, which we will chop, drop and dig through shortly, can do its thing of improving the quality and structure of the soil. I will use Gardenate to guide me through what to plant out at what time. It has been a real labour of love but I think at last we are doing something right.

Now on with the frugal things-

1.  Rinsed the quinoa over a sieve and bucket to catch the water, it is amazing how much water it takes to rinse quinoa and I can't stand to see it go down the sink. I remember a sketch from Sesame Street years (and years) ago when the kids were little. It went something like "once a drop goes down the sink, it's kind of hard to drink". I save water whenever I can, there is precious little of it in our wide brown land. I went looking for it and guess what? I found the video and I've added the link here.

2. Picked another bowl full of cherry tomatoes from our vegpod, these cherry tomatoes self seeded and are growing wildly with no staking or fussing from me. I just give them some water every second day.

3. Used a splash of Miracle Spray in quarter of a bucket of hot water to wipe over the very dusty timber furniture, recently we had days of a wild westerly wind bringing in dust from out west, that dust has settle on to everything, just look at the pattern left behind when I lifted a doily.

4. Baked the left over Semolina Gnocchi "dough" with a splash of chilli infused olive oil and parmesan cheese as I can't stand to see any food wasted. These are so good, crispy on the outside and soft and tender on the inside.

5. Washed up the aluminium trays I use to make this Guinness Gingerbread, I made a double batch, some to take to work and some for home. I have used and re-used these trays for a couple of years now.

That's a wrap, your turn, how did you save money this week?

Have a lovely day,

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