One should not say that things are “natural”. It is a foundation of our faith to realize that the rain, the dew, the winds, and everything that grows from the earth are all directed by God, who wishes to benefit His creatures. It may seem obvious that these things are natural, but even the very laws of nature could be annulled if something went against God’s Will.
Paralleling the seven astronomical bodies that shine in the sky, there are seven bright metals [which shine on earth], silver quicksilver (mercury), copper, gold, iron, lead and tin. Each metal is influenced by its particular planet. Silver by the Moon, quicksilver by Mercury, copper by Venus, gold by the Sun, iron by Jupiter, lead by Saturn, and tin by Mars.There is an eighth sphere containing the twelve signs of the zodiac (mazaloth). Each of these signs rules over one of the twelve months of the year.
Our Sages teach that four winds blow each day from the four directions.The east wind blows from morning until noon. This brings with it many breezes which bring healing to the world under the direction of the angel Michael.
The west wind blows from noon until nightfall. It brings along breezes which give beauty to growing things, under the direction of the angel Raphael.
One may ask that since the east wind brings healing, it should be under the direction of Raphael, since he is the angel of healing. But this teaches that everything is in God’s hand. It is He who sends sickness, and He who provides a cure. One should not d spend on any angel, since angels cannot do anything without God’s permission.
The expected angel is therefore not in charge of the wind associated with healing. One should set his eyes on high, and repent according to the teachings of the Torah. If he has merit, God will then send His angel to heal him.
The south wind blows from the beginning of the night, and it brings along many earth breezes which warn its coldness. All these are under the direction of the angel Uriel. This wind is very harmful to the sick, but in general, it is beneficial for the world. This is also the time when the wicked in purgatory are judged, since everyone is asleep and there are none to pray for them.
The north wind blows from midnight to daybreak, bringing along many breezes. Strongest of all the winds, it is beneficial for the sick, and for this reason, they feel better in the morning. God makes it blow before the righteous in Gan Eden, and they smell the sweet fragrances of its trees and herbs.
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