السبت، 6 أكتوبر 2018

Sunny Side Up Sunday

Hello Dear Reader,

Everyday, while walking into work, I get to see some lovely things that always makes me smile. The "Go Vegan" slogan is painted on a section of the road that I cross everyday, I don't know why, but it always makes me smile.

Likewise the sight of a lovingly tended, raised veggie garden at the back of the hospital makes me feel happy and I wonder who has bought their love of gardening into work.

Almost everyday there are beautiful boisterous Rainbow Lorikeets making a racket in these bottle brushes. They feed on the nectar of the bottle brush.

We have a lovely rose garden that is also lovingly tended to, I pass this every day and often stop to see a new bloom or indeed, to smell the roses

I know these are quite common, but the colour of the centre of these bromeliads is just stunning, these are just outside our work unit. I think of the colour as "lipstick pink"

So today I am grateful for the small things I see everyday, that make my day a little brighter, by making me smile.

What are you grateful for today?

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