الأحد، 18 نوفمبر 2018

Freezer and Pantry Challenge

Hello Dear Reader,

Top draw of my freezer

On the lead up to Christmas, I have taken a leaf out of one of my favourite bloggers and am starting a freezer/pantry/use it up challenge, to make some room in both my freezer and pantry. Kristen, AKA "The Frugal Girl" has been doing a "freezer challenge" on and off for some time, but just recently has started up again with gusto.

Bottom draw of my freezer

Even one of the fridge/freezers next door (our Son's and Partners home) has some of our frozen food in it

So yesterday afternoon I did an inventory on what exactly is in my freezers and pantry and then I sat down and thought about how I could use these items up in interesting ways. I took everything out of the freezer draws, gave the draws a good wipe out, took a photo of the items and then promptly put them back, tidying as I went. I now know what is in my freezers and it's kind of tidy which will make it easier to use up those items. 

Puff pastry, duck fat, half a jar of salsa and half a bottle of passata

Flats buns, stock from Drunken Chicken, a container of chopped parsley and chopped coriander, dog mince, pork ribs, ice-cream and half a container of pure cream

Half a carton of chicken stock, frozen mixed veggies for the dogs, a container of lime juice, about 1 cup of frozen peas, bread crumbs and a loaf of turkish bread

And finally a bag of BBQ Pork buns, 190 grams of greek yoghurt, half a pack of pizza cheese, a container of chopped chilli, a container of chopped dill, 4 eggs yolks, a container of tomato paste, 2 egg whites, a container of passionfruit pulp, Jerk mixture for BBQ chicken, a container of curry leaves, a quarter loaf of rye bread, instant yeast and some matcha ice blocks our daughter bought while she was here


Puff Pastry-Curried Pea and Potato Parcels (used up last night)
Duck Fat-For Christmas Roast Potatoes
1/2 jar salsa-?
1/2 jar Passata-Sardine's (pantry) with crunchy parsley crumbs
Stock for Drunken Chicken
Pork ribs?
Container chopped parsley-Sardine's (pantry) with crunchy parsley crumbs
Container chopped coriander-Coriander and Cashew dip
Flat buns-lunches, these were left over from camping last week
Chicken stock
1/2 a container Pure cream-Savoury Brioche Bake
Turkish bread-Garlic and Cheese Loaf
Breadcrumbs-Sardine's (pantry) with crunchy parsley crumbs
Frozen Peas-Curried Pea and Potato Parcels (used up last night)
Frozen Lime Juice-Passionfruit and Lime curd
190 gram greek yoghurt-Naan Bread
1/2 pack pizza cheese-Garlic and Cheese Loaf
4 egg yolks-Christmas Custard
Jerk for chicken-Roast BBQ chicken
1/4 loaf of rye bread-French Toast
Pulp of 21 Passionfruit-Passionfruit butter
Curry Leaves-add next time I’m making a curry
Chopped Dill?
Chopped chillies?
Tomato paste (some will be used in the Tuna Pasta Bake below)
6 x BBQ pork buns-lunches for LH
Juice of 20 limes and zest of 10-Lime Butter
Butter Milk-Pancakes
Brioche Loaf-Savoury Brioche Bake
More Passionfruit pulp-Passionfruit Butter
A container of Upmarket Rice and Beans-Dinner this Thursday
1/2 a large container cream-Savoury Brioche Bake


Medium can red salmon-Old fashioned Salmon Cakes
Large tin tuna-Tuna Pasta Bake
Gram Flour-Savoury Chickpea Pancakes
Tapioca Flour-Tapioca Flour Crepes
Brown Lentils-Curried Lentils
Red Lentils-Red lentil and Spinach Marsala
Semolina-Roman Semolina Gnocchi
Chia-Date, Chia and Coconut Biscuits-I made these yesterday afternoon and they are divine-recipe coming soon
4 bean mix-Mushroom and Bean Curry
Chickpeas-Chickpeas with Dates, Turmeric, Cinnamon and Almonds

As you can see I've typed out a list of what is in the freezer and pantry that I want to use up and how I possibly will use them. (I have printed out the list and it is hanging on my fridge door) I am open for suggestions though and am very easily swayed. Hit me, what would you do with what I have in my freezer and pantry?

Have a lovely day,

One Year Ago-Sunny Side Up Sunday
Two Years Ago-Bentonite Clay for Tummy Troubles

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