السبت، 1 ديسمبر 2018

Yishmael and Eisav – Jews are too Influential

“Antisemitism is one of the oldest diseases – racism being another such disease – for which there is no vaccine,” (Jewish Agency Rep)

Yishmael and Eisav 

The Palestinians are reportedly seeking an emergency Arab League session on Israel’s warming ties with the Arab world, saying the trend “needs to be stopped” Twitter, as read on YeranenYaakov

A Third of Europeans say 

A comprehensive *CNN survey demonstrated prevalent antisemitic attitudes in Europe, findings showed in a new poll. poll by CNN has demonstrated a worryingly high prevalence of antisemitic attitudes around Europe, with significant percentages of people believing that Jews are too influential in politics and media. In addition, high numbers of Europeans blame antisemitism on Jews, saying it is a reaction to how they behave[…] The results emerged from a comprehensive poll conducted by CNN/ComRes, which sampled 7,000 Europeans from Austria, France, Germany, the UK, Hungary, Poland and Sweden.
  • According to the poll, only 10% said they had an unfavorable attitude toward Jews, although that figure rose to 15% in Poland and 19% in Hungary. 
  • According to the poll, approximately 33% of those surveyed said Jews were too influential in political affairs around the world, and more than 25% of Poles and Hungarians said they had too much influence in the media.
  • A third of Austrians said Jews have too much influence over financial matters, as well as 25% of all French and Germans who agreed.
  • Additionally, 20% of all Europeans believe Jews have too much influence over media, while 25% said they had too much influence over wars and conflicts. 
  • [A]lmost a fifth of Europeans, some 18%, blame antisemitism in their respective countries on Jewish behavior, while 33% said they believe that Jews use the Holocaust to advance their own positions or goals.
  • A third of those surveyed said that Israel uses the Holocaust to justify its actions, with 
  • 50% of Polish respondents agreeing, and only 20% disagreeing.
  • And a third of Europeans said supporters of Israel use accusations of antisemitism to shut down criticism of Israel, while only 10% said that was not true.
  • In addition, 20% of European youths and young adults, 18-34, have never heard of the Holocaust, while in total one in 20 Europeans have never heard of it at all. JPost
Is the "Handwriting on the Wall"?
Anti-Semitic vandalism painted outside Jewish homes in Seattle.
The word “JEW” was spray painted on a garage and “F*** JEW THIEVE” on the pavement. timesofisrael

Antisemitism at the UN (sic!)

"Justice requires a free Palestine from the river to the sea.”

Outrage over *CNN commentator's anti-Israel speech at UN.  Jewish groups blast Marc Lamont Hill who said at UN that violence against Israel is legitimate and called for a boycott of the Jewish state. arutzsheva

"Eastern Jerusalem must be capital of ‘Palestine’"

UN Secretary General calls for Jerusalem to be capital of Palestinian state, Abbas accuses Israel of Apartheid at UN pro-Palestinian event. arutzsheva

 “We Don’t Want You”
Angry Residents Shout “We Don’t Want You” at Rabbi Trying to Build Girls School in Nanuet –
The crowd turned hostile at around the 2:15 mark of the video Videos can be viewed here; one woman signaled for the crowd to leave the room. Some 30% of the attendees rose and left the meeting. “The packed crowd attacked Rabbi Fink even before he had begun to speak, with shouts of “go away, we don’t want you, go back to Ramapo” clearly audible.” YWN

Maryland Chabad house fighting for its life ahead of demolition
Newly built million-dollar Chabad house in Maryland faces court-ordered demolition - for building too close to the curb.

CNN fires pundit who called for elimination of Israel
CNN lets go of Marc Lamont Hill after he calls for 'free Palestine from the River to the Sea' at the UN.

Hill explicitly endorsed the BDS movement and said that "justice requires" a "Free Palestine from the River to the Sea," a phrase that has long been used to call for the destruction of Israel and its replacement by a Palestinian Arab State.

Now he says he is not anti Semitic! What a confused mind CNN hires to represent them. This is the state of truth in the world today!

This black man equates two events that are not related: “ Contrary to western mythology, black resistance to American apartheid was not" purely nonviolent, he said. "Tactics otherwise divergent from Dr. King or Gandhi were equally important to preserving safety and attaining freedom. If we are in true solidarity, we must allow them the same range of opportunity and political possibility. We must recognize the right of an occupied people to defend themselves. We must prioritize peace, but we must not romanticize or fetishize it. We must promote non violence at every opportunity, but cannot endorse narrow politics that shames Palestinians for resisting, for refusing to do nothing in ethnic cleansing," Hill said.

*Trump wants a Governmental News Service to broadcast what is really going on in America and the World?

"President Donald Trump yesterday proposed creating a government-run TV network that would broadcast globally to show the world how great America is. Trump pitched the state-run network as an alternative to CNN. "Throughout the world, CNN has a powerful voice portraying the United States in an unfair and false way," Trump wrote on Twitter. "Something has to be done, including the possibility of the United States starting our own Worldwide Network to show the World the way we really are, GREAT!”  Interview on arstechnica

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