الثلاثاء، 19 مارس 2019

No Added Sugar, Coffee and Date Loaf

Hello Dear Reader,

How's my butter to slice ratio?

I saw this recipe on another blog a while ago and was so interested to try it as it was a family favourite. It is such a super simple recipe, like one bowl easy, you just need a little time on your hands as the dates need a long soak in strong coffee to soften.

It is a very dense and moist loaf, as you would expect due to the amount of dates, but it does taste wonderful, just as it is or toasted and smothered in butter. And a little slice is all you need to satisfy your hunger, also if you're looking for a small sweet treat to have with a cuppa, this one is perfect. There is a lovely lingering taste of coffee but it is not overpowering, just sweet and delicious.

 Ingredients for No Added Sugar, Date and Coffee Loaf, clockwise from top left-2 cups of dates, roughly chopped, 1 cup of SR flour, 1 cup of strong coffee and 1/2 cup of roughly chopped walnuts

Soak the dates in the coffee for 2 to 3 hours

Fold the SR flour and walnuts into soaked date mixture

And stir thoroughly but gently 

Pour and scrape into a lined loaf tin, levelling out the top

And bake for 25 minutes at 170C

This loaf slices beautifully and is lovely warm from the oven

Next time I make this great little loaf, I want to try it with 1/2 wholemeal SR flour and add some dark chocolate chips, I think it would be rather wonderful with the addition of some chocolate.

So thanks so Tania and her Mum for this really great little recipe, it's a keeper for sure.

Have a lovely day,

Two Years Ago-No Blog Post Today

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