الاثنين، 18 مارس 2019


It is getting closer.

We are getting closer to the day when the donkey that has been carrying a haughty and derisive rider on its back will kick that domineering one off and leave him far behind.

The donkey bearing the heavy burden I refer to is the vast majority of citizens of Israel. The haughty rider is Israel's supreme court.

Yesterday, we were treated to yet another example of how it rides roughshod over the donkey that has been it's unwilling and humiliated carrier for years.

The supreme court made history yesterday.

For the very first time, it barred a citizen from running for the Knesset. This is a first.

Turning over a vote by a Knesset committee, the court ruled that Dr. Ben Ari of the "Otzmat Yehudit" party may not run for the Knesset. He was barred on the grounds that he is a "racist". No proof was mentioned in the delivery - just a ruling.

At the same time, a number of political parties whose members have been either jailed for severe breaches of Israel's security or have escaped Israel after aiding the enemy in time of war, are allowed once again to warm the Knesset seats in the hated state of Israel. Amongst these representatives of the Jewish state is a "Jewish" member of one of these anti-Israel parties. Mr. Kasif is a "philosopher", a Communist and an enemy of the Jewish state idea. He justifies the murder of Israeli soldiers and wants to do away with Israel as a Jewish state.

The law states that one can not run for the Knesset if he (she) denies Israel as a Jewish state.

Other individual Knesset members were on board a terrorist ship that engaged the IDF.

Others were guests of honor at rallies for the Hizbullah in Lebanon.


Freedom of expression?

No wonder the Israeli (Jewish) public have a growing disdain for this institution. The proponent of extreme and overriding "legal activism" has established it as the determining voice in Israel. When self-appointed judges are of one political/cultural mold, the ballot box loses meaning. Democracy is made a mockery and is in serious danger.

This arrangement is perfect for those (the Left and Arab parties) who can not win a majority in the Knesset on election day.

Until today(with the exception recently of Ayelet Shaked) no "right wing" leader has found the strength to stand up to the self-appointed monitors of ("correct') thought and speech.

"1984" has arrived just a few years late, in the nineties with super Liberal justice Barak and has since been jealously defended by the other Left elites (in politics, justice, media, entertainment, academia) as the final bulwark that protects them from the will of the people. Only this guarantees their position and power.

The people of Israel are waking up from a long stupor cleverly administered by a well oiled and powerful machine.

Too much Jewish blood has (and is) being spilled to keep them asleep. Night can no longer be acclaimed as day. It is not working as it did before.

The Left (many Left politicians flee from the unpopular label and insist they are "Centrists") will suffer another defeat, BH in three weeks and Bibi will be prime minister again. He has also not fulfilled the wishes of the people. He runs from battles and prefers quiet and his own power over principle. He has failed the people but has managed to hang onto power employing very deft politicking and good speeches.

Hopefully, just as the masses no longer accept the moral authority of the courts, so too will their eyes open wider yet and elect people who do have the strength, faith, and moral fortitude to fight for them - for real.

Very few such people are running in this election. Thankfully there is a ray of hope which I pray will become a full blown sunny day very soon. God willing.


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