الاثنين، 29 أبريل 2019

Another Trip to Simply Good and Golden Circle Factory Outlet-April Edition

Hello Dear Reader,

These combined trips up to Morayfield are becoming quite regular, the two shops, Simple Good and Golden Circle Factory Outlet are only a block away from each other so it makes sense to pop into both while we are at it. We now shop at Simply Good for things such as laundry and washing up liquid, oats, nuts, spices, rye flour, and so on. They have an amazing range of products in bulk and every time I go I find something else I use that I can buy without plastic packaging. This is what we bought last Saturday.

Our big strong bag with all the empty jars ready for the trip to Simply Good

Back row, form left-dishwashing liquid, laundry liquid, oats, shredded coconut, sesame seeds, almonds.

Front row, from left-bicarb soda, walnuts, macadamias, smooth peanut butter, thyme, cinnamon and cashews.

Bargains from Golden Circle Factory Outlet

We love to go to the Golden Circle Factory Outlet as you really never know what you'll find, we try to buy only products in glass or recyclable packaging but Tim Tams and chips are yet to come in glass😜

We snaffled some absolute bargains, whole egg mayonnaise for $2 a jar, coconut oil for $3.00, jars of marinated artichokes for $2.00 and a litre of chicken stock for $1.00. There is always multi buy bargains to be had also, the baked beans are always 6 cans for $5.00, the crackers were 3 packets for $5.00 and the chips were 3 for $4.00 on the 150 gram French Onion Dip flavour and the Tomato Salsa 80 gram chips were 3 for $2.00 and the Tim Tams were $1 a packet. The chips and biscuits are definitely not essentials but they will be a fun afternoon snack while camping next week.

Have a lovely day,

Three Years Ago-What we don't buy

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