الثلاثاء، 9 أبريل 2019

Rainy Days & Ramblings

If the saying April Showers Bring May Flowers is true, my flowers should be beautiful next month.  We have been getting a decent rain every other day.  It means the weeds have been really growing while the grass not so much.  Unfortunately the days it does not rain are days we do not have time to mow.  Hopefully later this week we can get to it.

The rain has been good for the potatoes.  W was able to get out with the tiller late one evening and till in between the rows to keep the weeds down.

Toby and I ran out quickly yesterday before the rain moved in and finished filling one of my tractor tire raised beds.  I quickly planted popcorn and flower seeds in one of them.  It started to drizzle as I was covering everything up.  We ran to put a tarp over our chick brooder and got inside just before the bottom fell out.  The rain should be good for the newly planted seeds.  I am still waiting to see sprouts from the seeds I sowed last week.  

Normally I wait until Good Friday to do much planting.  We have highs in the 80s forecasted for the next 10 days which gets me really close to Good Friday.  I decided to be a risk taker and start planting.

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