الثلاثاء، 2 أبريل 2019

Walking Total for March 2019

Hello Dear Reader,

Well, that was another dismal month of walking/riding, the weather was just still so hot, I know, excuses, excuses, but it was truly just still so hot. I still did the two dog walks every day and rode to work a few times so you can imagine how little my total is for March.

Yesterday mornings sunrise

It has turned a bit cooler, thankfully, so I have vowed to ride to work every day in an attempt to make up those lost miles/KM's.

January-140.87 KM's
February-83.16 KM's
March-118.42 KM's

In order to reach the 1000 miles in a year goal (1609 KM's) I need to walk/ride a total of 2.73 miles per day or 4.39 km per day, rain, hail or shine. Ilona from Mean Queen, Life After Money, blog walks everyday in England so I should have no excuses.

Have a lovely day,

One Year Ago-Julie Goodwin's Pea and Ham Soup, Tweaked a Little
Two Years Ago-Easy Banana Bread, Take 3
Three Years Ago-My Thai Sauce

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