الثلاثاء، 17 يوليو 2018

On the Farm

I thought everyone might enjoy an update on the feathered members of our little farm.  First up the quail.  They share the large flight pen with the pheasants.  For a few weeks we had trouble with the quail getting out even though they never really went anywhere.  They are finally staying put in their area and are quite tame now.  They happily eat birdseed out of my hand each evening.

Our turkey family has expanded.  We have four grown turkeys, three "teenage" turkeys, and eight baby turkeys.  We did have six "teenage" turkeys, but three were killed one night a few weeks ago.  We are pretty sure we trapped the culprit - a possum - earlier this week.  He was taken far away from our property.

Frank & Whitey

Wanda & Rebecca with Wanda's two babies

The "Teenagers"

Finally are our newest chickens.  They are big enough to be on the ground now.  We combined the Polish and the Mille Fleur back together for now although eventually they will have separate areas.

This is Penelope, our free chicken.  We are unsure exactly what kind she is.  She is so sweet and will sit calmly in my lap.  

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