السبت، 28 يوليو 2018

Sunny Side Up Sunday

Hello Dear Reader,

And welcome to this weeks Sunny Side Up Sunday. Last weeks was definitely NOT a Sunny Side Up kind of post and I hope todays will make up for it.

Today I am thankful for my clarity of mind.

I have been under quite a lot of stress lately and I really haven't been sleeping well at all, so yesterday afternoon, after walking the little dogs with lovely hubby, I sat down at the computer and typed out a list of what needs to be finished off/dealt with/completed/moved/stored ect...

And I am happy to report, with all this stuff that was floating around my brain, now out typed out and the list put on the fridge, my brain is all of a sudden lighter and clear.

It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshine-y day

Have a lovely day,

One Year Ago-What we bought, spent and ate this week
Two Years Ago-This Weeks 5 Frugal Things on a Friday

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