الاثنين، 23 يوليو 2018



G–D created the world to operate in a certain way; and the “progressives” are openly going against G–D. The anti-natural, anti-Torah behavior has taken hold in America, to the point that it was incorporated into their laws (via "contract of marriage between same sexes” now recognized by the laws of the land in all 50 states). Now this mindset has entered the Israeli society, as all things ‘American’ eventually do.

Rabbi Yehudah HaCohen Richter said at the beginning of one of his shiurim on pride parades that LGBT is the "issue of our day.” It has been described to be the crisis of this Golus.

It has been explained that this behavior corrupts and distorts thinking and judgment, as well as spreading to the general public, causing gender–confusion in children, the animal kingdom, and the agricultural land becomes infected. One needs to listen to Rabbi Kessin near the end of this Shiur to understand what this means

THOUSANDS DEMONSTRATE FOR LGBT RIGHTS IN JERUSALEM, TEL AVIV AND HAIFA. Protesters have blocked roads in Jerusalem and are marching down Tel Aviv's Ayalon freeway, one of the country's busiest highways

More than 40 companies and businesses voiced their support for the strike and the protests, among them the local divisions of Facebook, IBM, and Microsoft. Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital and the Magen David Adom emergency service also announced that they were permitting workers to participate in the protest.

Netivei Israel, the national transportation infrastructure operator, and Haifa Port will also allow workers to strike.

The head of the Histadrut union, Avi Nissenkorn, on Thursday said that the national labor federation would support LGBT members who wish to take part in the strike, calling on unions and management to allow workers to take part in the nationwide strike “without infringing their rights.”

On Saturday, one of the protest organizers told Walla news that “the whole country will be at the square to tell the Israeli government ‘enough,’ to tell [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu to stop with the lies.”

“We will no longer be quiet while you [the government] discriminate against us,” Roy Neumann told the Israeli news site. Microsoft Israel R&D Center announced on its official Facebook page that it will pay NIS 60,000 ($16,500) to any employee interested in starting a family through surrogacy. Surrogacy costs can run to around NIS 200,000.

“The current text of the surrogacy law excludes the LGBT community and denies them the basic human right to establish a family,” the company wrote. “This is a regrettable and unequal law. Starting today, every one of our workers who decides to set up a family using surrogacy will receive NIS 60,000 irrespective of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, or marital status. Israeli companies Natural Intelligence, Logic, Zap Group, Matrix, Playtika, Fiverr, MyHeritage, Similarweb, and Wibbitz all said that employees will be permitted to strike.

The Tel Aviv and Givatayim municipalities, the Jordan Valley Regional Council, Teva, Allen Carr, Proctor & Gamble, Saar Book Publishing, SodaStream, Comme il Faut, Shufersal, Cellcom, and Pelephone also announced that they will allow workers to strike, as will Isracard, Castro, and IsrAir. iStore, an official retailer of Apple in Israel, said its shops in Tel Aviv, Beersheba, and Ra’anana will all join the strike for one hour in a show of solidarity. timesofisrael

WILL JUDAISM SURVIVE THIS ONSLAUGHT? There are so-called‘rabbis’ that profess to be Jewish and gender-challenged as well.

GAY AND AFRICAN-AMERICAN RABBI wants to shatter stereotypes of what a Jew looks like. newly installed rabbi of West End Synagogue, a Reconstructionist [another counterfeit stream of Judaism] congregation on the Upper West Side, Kennebrae aims to challenge notions of what a Jew looks like. As she grappled with coming out as a lesbian, a friend gave her the book “The Chosen,” by the late Jewish author Chaim Potok. The book’s chronicling of two Orthodox boys struggling with religion appealed to her. JTA

The transgender descendant of the Baal Shem Tov describes her journey from Williamsburg, NY to becoming the woman she is today. Raised in Brooklyn’s cloistered hassidic community, Stein, 26, is an American transgender activist, author, blogger, model and speaker. She is the first openly transgender woman raised in a hassidic community, and a descendant of the Baal Shem Tov – who founded the hassidic movement in Poland 250 years ago.JPost

CONSERVATIVES OUTRAGED. The Rabbinical Assembly of the Conservative Movement, the denomination’s guiding rabbinical authority, said it was “outraged” by the incident and called the manner in which Hayun was detained – with police knocking on his door at 5:30 in the morning – “shocking.” [However, he failed to respond to a summons on Wednesday; the police don’t take that lightly.]

RA ISRAEL PRESIDENT Rabbi Mikie Goldstein said it was “unthinkable that a rabbi in Israel should be arrested for officiating at a Jewish wedding (sic!) ‘according to the Law of Moses and Israel.’ [since when do they observe the Halacha handed down at Mount Sinai?]And it is unthinkable that the state should dictate to its citizens how to believe, how to fulfill mitzvot or how to live their religious lives.” Goldstein, a native of Liverpool, England, who has been living in Israel since 1989, assumed the pulpit in 2014 as the leader of Adat Shalom Emanuel in Rehovot, the only non-Orthodox synagogue in the city. He is the country’s first homosexual Masorti rabbi.

IN SHADOW OF HAYUN QUESTIONING, RIVLIN HOLDS TISHA BE’AV STUDY SESSION. The President of Israel represents the State of Israel all over the world [and in his confusion of what Judaism is,  actuallly promotes fracturing of Judaism]: “When the relevant people in the office of President Reuven Rivlin met with colleagues from the Jewish People Policy Institute to plan the fourth annual pre-Tisha Be’av Study session that brings together people from different streams of Judaism[….] JPPI president Avinoam Bar Yosef said it is not just the destruction of the Temple that remains an open wound in the history of the Jewish People, “It’s the baseless hatred.” JPost
[the hatred begins with ‘streams of Judaism that defy HKB”H]


List of LGBT Jews

Timeline of LGBT Jewish history. First listing: c. 486 BCE - Darius I adopted the Holiness Code of Leviticus for Persian Jews of the Achaemenid Empire, enacting the first state sanctioned death penalty for male same-sex intercourse. Other listings are 1972 – 2017. WIKIPEDIA

In 2010 - TorahWeb.org published a brief position statement entitled "Torah View on Homosexuality".[44] It was co-authored by Rav Hershel Schachter, Rav Mordechai Willig, Rav Michael Rosensweig, and Rav Mayer Twersky. These four are all roshei yeshiva (i.e., rabbinic leaders) at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary at Yeshiva University, the largest and most influential Modern Orthodox rabbinic program in America. In part, the statement reads:

"... Prohibited homosexual activity includes any non-platonic physical contact; even yichud (seclusion) with someone of the same gender is forbidden for homosexually active individuals. ...

... today's galus [exile] seeks to legitimize and mainstream the abominable practice (toeiva) of homosexuality. Frighteningly, we who live here are not only practically affected, but also axiologically and ideationally infected. Not only our behavior but our very Weltanschauung has been compromised and contaminated.

... Homosexual behavior is absolutely prohibited and constitutes an abomination. Discreet, unconditionally halachically committed Jews who do not practice homosexuality but feel same sex attraction (ssa) should be sympathetically and wholeheartedly supported. They can be wonderful Jews, fully deserving of our love, respect, and support. They should be encouraged to seek professional guidance. Moreover, in an uninfected Torah society, appropriate sympathy for discreet shomrei Torah u'mitzvos who experience but do not act upon ssa is clearly distinguished from brazen public identification of their yetzer hara [temptation] for forbidden behavior. …

How painful, sad and sobering is the sharp contrast between the clear attitude that should prevail in a pure Torah community and the confusion that exists among well-intentioned individuals within our communities. ... ssa is not viewed as a challenge of kevishas hayetzer (overcoming and taming impulses for forbidden behavior), but rather as a troubling halacha lacking in compassion, rachmanah litzlan [God forbid].

... Inevitably, with respect to homosexuality, Talmud Torah [Torah study] will place us at odds with political correctness and the temper of the times. Nevertheless, we must be honest with ourselves, and with Hakadosh Baruch Hu [G–d], regardless of political correctness, considerations or consequences.”

* Axiology (from Greek ἀξία, axia, "value, worth"; and -λογία, -logia) is the philosophical study of value. It is either the collective term for ethics and aesthetics, philosophical fields that depend crucially on notions of worth, or the foundation for these fields, and thus similar to value theory and meta-ethics.

* Medical Definition of ideational: of, relating to, or produced by ideation; broadly : consisting of or referring to ideas or thoughts of objects not immediately present to the senses. In medical speak, ideation is "the forming of mental images." In this sense the word is often paired with suicidal — suicidal ideation refers to someone thinking about killing herself.

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