الثلاثاء، 17 يوليو 2018

“Slaughter and Justice Cannot Dwell Together”

“Slaughter and Justice Cannot Dwell Together
Ok Natalie Portman, animal rights defender, what say you about this?

What if the bird catches fire?
Such cruelty . . .
are balloons and kites not enough?

A bird was sent from Gaza into Israel with a flammable substance attached to it.

The falcon was found Monday near the Besor River, the longest river in the Negev. A harness with explosive material was attached to the animal's leg. [poor suffering beautiful bird] arutzsheva

The knots of a string attached to a falcon that was found dead near the Gaza border on July 16, 2018. (Nature and Parks Authority)
Nature and Parks Authority officials who examined the bird said it wore a harness, suggesting it was a trained hunting bird, and strengthening speculation that it was deliberately sent to start fires, the Ynet news site reported. timesofisrael

Thousands of fires have been set in southern Israel in recent months by arson attacks originating from Gaza. Terrorists started the fires by attaching firebombs to kites and helium balloons and sending the devices over the border with Israel. Thousands of acres of farmland, crops, and nature reserves have been destroyed by the fires, causing millions of shekels in damage and killing numerous animals.

One incendiary balloon is One Too Many

Josh Hasten interviews: Rabbi Fendel describes what it was like in Sderot this past Shabbat with a house full of guests from abroad as Hamas and other terror groups in Gaza fired nearly 200 rockets at the residents of southern Israel.

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