السبت، 21 يوليو 2018

Sunny Side Up Sunday

Hello Dear Reader,

Today I am grateful for being able to spend some time with my darling Sister whilst attending Jamie Oliver's Ministry of Food, Newport, yesterday afternoon. After two very busy and emotionally draining weeks, it was lovely to spend a couple of hours focused on something else altogether.

We have signed up to do the 5 week cooking course, held once a week, just down the road from me. This is my second year of doing Jamie's MOF and because I enjoyed the first one so much I jumped at the chance to attend it again this year.

One of the same teachers from last year was there, as well as another lovely attendee from last year, funnily enough we are attending the same time of day, day of the week as well as using the same cooking station as last year. It was just meant to be. We also work for Queensland Health and have a lovely friend in common, must be kismet.

Cooking makes me happy-simple.

What are you grateful for today?

Have a lovely day,

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