I did originally use our paper shredder and the little one already in the office next door, but even with those two going there is still too much paper to shred. I have contacted a company called "Shred-Easy" they have been very easy to deal with and will be here on Friday and will shred the private documents on site.
The Office, along with paper, folders, photos and files there was a lot of old phones, fax machines, scanners, cameras and everything that went with it. They just kept everything even after buying a new one.
Every single one of these draws was chock a block with paper, receipts and photo packets
Look at all those cords
And folders
Every draw was full
I found rocks! There was more than this, the whole back corner of the top shelf of the big display cabinet was full of rocks. I rang the local Lapidary Club and they came and picked up a box full
So that's where I'm up to, I didn't sleep very well last night, and am feeling very tired this morning, I'll have breakfast in a little while and get on with more clearing and cleaning.
What are you doing today? What ever you're doing have a lovely day,
One Year Ago-Whole Lime Cake with Lime Mascarpone Filling
Two Years Ago-Super Easy, Super Tasty Flour Tortillas
PS-The "Did you make it? Show us" page has gone live today, thank you so much Melanie for sending in the great photo of the Chickpea and Quinoa Salad.
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